Search Engine Optimisation

Website Management & SEO Services

Website Management and Search Engine Optimisation

Or how to get visitors and keep them…

So you’ve built a brand new website, but you aren’t getting as many visitors as you hoped? Maybe you have a new product or service and want the world to know about it? Or maybe you need some help to make sure that visitors keep coming back to your website time and time again? We can help make your website a success!

Make sure your website is fighting fit!

We check to make sure that there are no technical issues with the website that might put people off visiting, or make it harder for Search engines to understand what it is about. We make sure that your site is following best practises and that there are no problems with the site on mobile phones, or any other issues such as broken links, poor shopping experiences or any other issues.

Off site optimisation

Your site may be great, but what about your social media presence? Are you showing on Google Maps correctly? Are enough people linking to you? Why aren’t people sharing your snappy Facebook posts?

There’s more to Search engine optimisation that just having a good site. We can help make sure that your entire web presence is up to scratch.

Is your site fast enough?

How quickly your site loads is a major factor in how well your site does in search engines, as well as how good the user expreince is. Research shows that a slow loading website results in people spending less time on the website – Amazon even calculated in 2012 that a 1 second increase in page loading time would cost them $1.6 billion! Search engines now mark down slow websites, meaning that a slow load time can result in your website being ignored.

All our website hosting packages come with super fast web space by default, however there are a few changes that can be made to your website to make it load even faster. Optimising images can reduce the load time, as can implementing a page caching system that loads your page as quickly as possible. If you have a large number of international visitors, we can set up a Content Delviery Network (CDN) so that your site loads quickly wherever you are in the world We make sure that your site is as fast as possible, so no visitors are left waiting!

Are You Writing Compelling Content?

While having a technically good website is obviously important, if it doesn’t contain content that people want to read and Search Engines can’t understand, your webste is simply not going to attract visitors. We can advise you on what you need to write for your site to encourage people to visit, Search Engines to rate it, and people to share it.

If you don’t like the idea of writing the content for the site yourself, or you simply don’t have time, we can help! We work with a number of copywriters who can write compelling and interesting content for your site, whatever it is about.

When a high quality website links to your site, not only will it increase the number of visitors to your website, it will also raise its profile on search engines. We can assess these links to your web site and set out a road-map for increasing the number of high quality links to it.

Due to the nature of search engines, it can take several months for the effect to work. Online advertising is a cost-effective way to set up an online presence quickly. For more information about AdWords pay-per-click online advertising please click here.

Keeping it updated

How fresh your website is matters. Google will rank website which aren’t updated regularly lower that ones which are updated on a regular basis. We make sure that your site is regularly updated with new and relevant content to help you climb the rankings.

Test and Measure

We like to prove that what we are doing makes a difference. We believe that it is important to check that the changes we are makign are having the required affect, and to use real user data to decide how best to improve your site. We use a number of tools to check your site’s health and speed, and look at real user data and search metrics to idenify oppoutunities for improvement. We give you full access to all our data as well, so you can see for yourself how your site is doing.

Online advertising & Social Media Management

Online advertising can be a cost effective way to reach your customers.

Online advertising can be a fantastic tool to drive visitors and customers to your website. By targetting and promoting your website and products using the correct online advertising tools, you can generate an excellent return on your investment. Online advertising has the benefit of being highly measurable, so you can check if your advertising campaign is effective, and calculate exactly how much bang for you buck you are getting!

We can manage your online advertising campaigns, such as your Google Adwords campaign to make sure that it is cost effective and you are targetting the right people and places. If you have a campaign that has been running for a while, we can also give it a health check to see if we can make it leaner and mere efficient.

Whatver your advertising goals are, we can manage and match the campaign to suit it, making sure that your message is reaching the people it needs to.

When a high quality website links to your site, not only will it increase the number of visitors to your website, it will also raise its profile on search engines. We can assess these links to your web site and set out a road-map for increasing the number of high quality links to it.

Due to the nature of search engines, it can take several months for the effect to work. Online advertising is a cost-effective way to set up an online presence quickly. For more information about AdWords pay-per-click online advertising please click here.

Social media management can target your customer base

A powerful and effective way to advertise your products and services is to use social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and many others to promote your brand.

However, keeping track of what you should be posting and where can me time consuming and confusing. We can help simplify the process and make sure that you are posting the right things in the right places to attract customers.

Together, we can work out a comprehensive social media marketing strategy to help drive new visitors to your website, and your social media pages.

Contact Us to find out more

Call 0131 208 1023

Every site is different, and every business has different goals. Give us a call, and we can discuss how to make your website a success!