Data Access, Amendment And Deletion Requests

Home > Site Policies > Data Access, Amendment And Deletion Requests

You are entitled to know what information we hold about you. If you want to know what information we store, please fill out this contact form, and we will provide you with the information you request. Should any of this personal data be incorrect, please let us know and we will amend it accordingly.

If you would like us to delete any data we hold about you, please let us know and we will delete your personal information.

Please note that while we will remove what data it is possible to do so, we are required to keep some data, such as invoices for accounting purposes.

It may also not be practical to delete data in some cases, such as when the data is stored in a location that is not normally accessible to us. In these cases we will ensure that we do not process your data and remove it upon access.

If you make a deletion request, we can tell you what we have removed and what data we are unable to remove for legal or practical reasons.

Data Request form